Big stuff.

Installed on Cockatoo Island for the 'Outpost' street art show.
These have almost become a theme for me. I made a three metre long rusting version & hung it from a crane on Cockatoo Island. When I went to uninstall it again I looked across the harbour at it & lots of little real plastic soy sauce fish were washing up in the tide at my feet. Like dead & dying fish this plastic pollution was beaching itself as it must in its millions every year on every beach.


Installed for the 2011 Sculpture by the Sea.
Cast fibre glass resin with iron powder in the gel coat so it rusts naturally on the surface.

Arm Chair Hero
Welcome to the age where nearly everyone grows old, hates the young and is so busy being scared of dying that they have forgotten how to live. Stop, take a deep breath and step back.

Really Bins
Adam Hill and Will Coles, really bins (x9) (detail of Sculpture) Sculpture by the Sea, Bondi 2012.

Memorial to the Unknown Arm Chair General
A memorial to all those gutless cowards that have never fought a war yet have no problem sending others to fight their cause for them. In memoriam to all the chickenhawks that have defended their own ideals with the lives of others. But mostly, for all those that love a good war film, a full on action film, & then confuse it with real life.